"Bourgeois-Gironde does not attempt to produce a comprehensive review of applications of the axioms to experiments, but instead goes deep into three cases. Bourgeois-Gironde has produced exemplary economic methodology here: rigorous, practical, and addressing live concerns in contemporary economics. His book addresses the integration of economics and psychology in a way that, unlike too much recent behavioral economics, does not simply opportunistically import concepts across the interdisciplinary frontier without carefully preparing them for deep integration into their new theoretical contexts. Experimental economists can use ideas from psychology without abandoning the axioms, and doing so is the road to finding relationships of enduring significance, as opposed to isolated behavioral ephemera." --Oeconomia
1. Cardinalism2. Incompleteness3. State-dependence4. A Conclusive Remark: Decision Theory and the Transistion from the Unconscious to the Conscious
Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde is Professor of Economics at Université Paris 2. He is an experimental economist working on the cognitive foundations of decision-theory. Before his career in economic sciences, he has been a full professor of philosophy and continues to be a researcher in cognitive sciences at Ecole Normale Supérieure, in Paris. The leading thread of his work is to spell out and model minimal cognitive conditions which are compatible with decision-making in complex human economic environments.