Bibliografia Glosariusz/słownik Wydanie ilustrowane
Frontmatter -- Preface and Acknowledgements -- Contents -- PART ONE : PROCESSES AND CONTENTS OF FIESTA COMMUNICATION -- 1. The Problem -- 2. The Setting -- PART TWO: THE STRUCTURE OF FIESTAS -- 3. Cyclical Fiestas -- 4. Compi Life-Crisis Fiestas -- 5. Town and City Fiestas -- PART THREE: RITUAL PARTICIPATION -- 6. Ritual Costs -- 7. Ritual Participation in Compi -- 8. The Limits of Participation -- 9. Ritual Participation in Cantón Fiestas -- 10. La Paz Fiesta Participation -- 11. The Implications of Changes in the Compi Fiesta System -- 12. Conclusion -- APPENDIX A. -- APPENDIX B. -- APPENDIX C. -- APPENDIX D. -- APPENDIX E. -- Glossary -- References -- Index of Names -- Index of Subjects