What is Martyrdom?
Martyrdom from Bible to the Qur’an
Previous Studies on Martyrdom in Islam
Thesis and Plan
Chapter 1: The Emergence of the Shi‘i Form of Martyrdom
Martyrs of the Community: Sectarian Factor
Shi‘a Martyrdom Traditions
CHAPTER 2: Martyrdom Revival in Twelver Shi‘ism
Diverging Paths: Martyrdom in Modern Sunnism vs. Modern Shi‘ism
Jihad, Martyrdom, and State Building
Changing the Gears: Reviving Martyrdom Among the Shi‘a
Reopening of the Gates of Active Martyrdom: Historical Background
CHAPTER 3: Revolution, War and Martyrdom
1979 Islamic Revolution and the Power of Martyrdom
Iran-Iraq War and the Love of Martyrdom
CHAPTER 4: Civic Martyrdom
Lest We Forget: Iran’s Post-War State of Martyrdom
No-War Zone Martyrs
Rainbow Martyrdom: Politics of Blood
CHAPTER 5: Martyrdom Reimagined
Martyrdom Out of the Borders
Shrine Defenders
The Shi‘i Symbolism of Shrine Defenders
Chapter 6: Shrine Defenders: A New Beginning
The Sectarian Factor
The Imagined Nation of Heroes
Chapter 7: From Karbala to DamascusAppendix: Martyrdom in Classical Islam
Martyrdom in Sunni Traditions
Who is a Martyr?
Merits of Martyrs
Types of Martyrdom
Rewards of Martyrdom
Martyrdom in Sunni Tafsirs