The Machinery of Government is a valuable book. Heath's methodological approach-involving a careful examination of current practice along with a reconstruction of its implicit moral underpinning-presents a refreshing alternative to the conceptual approach taken by many applied ethicists. He avoids handing down tablets containing uninformed and impractical prescriptions; he succeeds in blending moral analysis with a deep understanding of the day-to-day requirements of governance.
Joseph Heath is Professor in the Department of Philosophy and the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy at the University of Toronto. A fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and the Trudeau Foundation, Heath is the author of several books, both popular and academic. His most recent, Morality, Competition and the Firm (Oxford University Press 2014), is a collection of papers on business ethics and the normative foundations of market economies. He is also the author of Enlightenment 2.0, which won the Shaughnessy Cohen prize for Political Writing in Canada.