Acknowledgments ixNote on the text xiAbbreviations xiiPrelude: James and Biography xivPart I The Early Years 11 'Wondering and Dawdling and Gaping' in New York City (1843 -1855) 32 Europe and Newport: In Search of a 'Sensuous Education' (1855 -1861) 263 Civil War and 'a Consecration to Letters' (1861-1869) 49Part II Independence and Europe 714 Italy and the 'Complex Fate' of Being an American (1869 -1872) 735 Return to Italy and 'an Incalculable Number of Gathered Impressions' (1872 -1873) 936 Rome and Paris: Roderick Hudson: An Experiment in Journalism (1873 -1876) 1107 'The Wheel of London Life' and Early Novels (1876 -1879) 1348 Friendships Begin and End: The Achievement of The Portrait of a Lady (1879-1881) 156Part III The Lure of the Theatre 1819 Family Deaths: New Friendships in Europe (1881-1884) 18310 A Range of Novels: Robert Louis Stevenson and Constance Fenimore Woolson (1885-1887) 20911 'The Sawdust & Orange-peel Phase' Begins: The Tragic Muse (1887-1891) 22912 Deaths and Losses: Theatrical Ventures (1891 -1895) 248Part IV The Later Years 26913 Return to 'The Sacred Fluid of Fiction' (1895 -1899) 27114 A Roman Encounter: 'Letting Yourself Go' (1899 -1902) 29715 'Dearly Beloved' Young Men: The Final Novels (1902 -1904) 32316 The 'Agreeable and Absorbing Adventure' of America: The New York Edition and Last Stories (1904 -1909) 34317 Loss of William, 'So Shining a Presence': Autobiographical Writing: The Great War and Death (1909 -1916) 369Letter Details 395Notes 421Bibliography 435Index 447
PETER COLLISTER, a former college Assistant Principal, has published many essays in Europe and America on a range of nineteenth-century British and French authors. He is the author of Writing the Self: Henry James and America and later edited for the university presses of Cambridge and Virginia the award-winning volumes, The Complete Writings of Henry James on Art and Drama, James's autobiographical writings, A Small Boy and Others, Notes of a Son and Brother, and The Middle Years, as well as The American Scene.