ISBN-13: 9780367328139 / Angielski / Twarda / 2019 / 528 str.
ISBN-13: 9780367328139 / Angielski / Twarda / 2019 / 528 str.
Sigmund Freud evolved his theories throughout his lifetime. This entailed many revisions and changes which he himself never tried to standardize rigidly into a definitive conceptual system. The need for some sort of a reliable guide which would spell out both the pattern of the evolution of Freud's thinking, as well as establish its inherent log
Editorial Preface -- Introduction -- Foreword -- A -- Abreaction -- Abstinence (Rule of) -- Acting Out -- Active Technique -- Activity/Passivity -- Actual Neurosis -- Adhesiveness of the Libido -- Affect -- Affection (or Tenderness) -- Agency -- Aggressive Instinct -- Aggressiveness (or Aggression or Aggressivity) -- Aim of the Instinct, Instinctual Aim -- Aim-Inhibited -- Allo-Erotism -- Alteration of the Ego -- Ambivalence -- Ambivalent; Pre-Ambivalent; Post-Ambivalent -- Anaclisis; Anaclitic (or Attachment) -- Anaclitic Depression -- Anaclitic Type of Object-Choice -- Anagogic Interpretation -- Anal-Sadistic Stage (or Phase) -- Anticathexis, Countercathexis -- Anxiety Hysteria -- Anxiety Neurosis -- Aphanisis -- Association -- Attention, (Evenly) Suspended or Poised -- Auto-Erotism -- Automatic Anxiety -- Autoplastic/Alloplastic -- B -- Binding -- Bisexuality -- Borderline Case -- C -- Cannibalistic -- Castration Complex -- Cathartic Method (or Therapy) -- Cathectic Energy -- Cathexis -- Censorship -- Character Neurosis -- Choice of Neurosis -- Cloacal (or Cloaca) Theory -- Combined Parent(s), Combined Parent-Figure -- Complemental Series -- Complex -- Component (or Partial) Instinct -- Compromise-Formation -- Compulsion, Compulsive -- Compulsion to Repeat (Repetition Compulsion) -- Condemnation (Judgement of) -- Condensation -- Consciousness -- Construction -- Control Analysis (or Supervised or Supervisory Analysis) -- Conversion -- Conversion Hysteria -- Counter-Transference -- D -- Damming up of Libido -- Day-Dream -- Day's Residues -- Death Instincts -- Defence -- Defence Hysteria -- Defence Mechanisms -- Deferred Action; Deferred -- Depressive Position -- Derivative of the Unconscious -- Destructive Instinct -- Direct Analysis -- Disavowal (Denial) -- Discharge -- Displacement -- Distortion -- Dream Screen -- Dream-Work -- Dynamic -- E -- Economic -- Ego -- Ego-Ideal -- Ego-Instincts -- Egoism -- Ego-Libido/Object-Libido -- Ego-Syntonic -- Electra Complex -- Eros -- Erotogenic -- Erotogenic (or Erogenous) Zone -- Erotogenicity (or Erogenicity) -- Experience of Satisfaction -- F -- Facilitation -- Failure Neurosis (or Syndrome) -- Family Neurosis -- Family Romance -- Fate Neurosis -- Father Complex -- Fixation -- Flight into Illness -- Foreclosure (Repudiation) -- Free Association (Method or Rule of) -- Free Energy/Bound Energy -- Fright -- Frustration -- Functional Phenomenon -- Fundamental Rule -- Fusion/Defusion (of Instincts) -- G -- Gain from Illness, Primary and Secondary -- Generation of Anxiety -- Genital Love -- Genital Stage or Organisation -- `Good' Object/`Bad' Object -- H -- Helplessness -- Hospitalism -- Hypercathexis -- Hypnoid Hysteria -- Hypnoid State -- Hysteria -- Hysterogenic Zone -- I -- Id -- Idea (or Presentation or Representation) -- Ideal Ego -- Idealisation -- Ideational Representative ( ) -- Identification -- Identification with the Aggressor -- Imaginary (sb. & adj.) -- Imago -- Incorporation -- Infantile Amnesia -- Inferiority Complex -- Innervation -- Instinct (or Drive) -- Instinct to Master (or for Mastery) -- Instincts of Self-Preservation -- Instinctual Component -- Instinctual Impulse -- Instinctual Representative ( ) -- Intellectualisation -- Interest, Ego-Interest -- Internalisation -- Interpretation -- Introjection -- Introversion -- Isolation -- L -- Latency Period -- Latent Content -- Libidinal Stage (or Phase) -- Libido -- Life Instincts -- M -- Manifest Content -- Masculinity/Femininity -- Masochism -- Material -- Memory-Trace (or Mnemic Trace) -- Metapsychology -- Mirror Phase (or Stage) -- Mixed Neurosis -- Mnemic Symbol -- Mothering -- N -- Narcissism -- Narcissistic Libido -- Narcissistic Neurosis -- Narcissistic Object-Choice -- Need for Punishment -- Negation -- Negative Therapeutic Reaction -- Neurasthenia -- Neuro-Psychosis (or Psychoneurosis) of Defence -- Neurosis -- Neurosis of Abandonment -- Neutrality -- Nirvana Principle -- O -- Object -- Object-Choice -- Object-Relation(ship) -- Obsessional Neurosis -- Oedipus Complex -- Oral Stage (or Phase) -- Oral-Sadistic Stage (or Phase) -- Organisation of the Libido -- Organ-Pleasure -- Over-Determination, Multiple Determination -- Over-Interpretation -- P -- Pair of Opposites -- Paranoia -- Paranoid Position -- Paraphrenia -- Parapraxis -- Part-Object -- Penis Envy -- Perceptual Identity/Thought Identity -- Perversion -- Phallic Stage (or Phase) -- Phallic Woman, Phallic Mother -- Phallus -- Phantasy (or Fantasy) -- Phobic Neurosis -- Plasticity of the Libido -- Pleasure-Ego/Reality-Ego -- Pleasure Principle -- Preconscious (sb. and adj.) -- Pregenital -- Preoedipal -- Pressure (of the Instinct) -- Primal Phantasies -- Primal Repression -- Primal Scene -- Primary Identification -- Primary Narcissism, Secondary Narcissism -- Primary Process/Secondary Process -- Principle of Constancy -- Principle of (Neuronal) Inertia -- Projection -- Projective Identification -- Protective Shield (Against Stimuli) -- Psychical (or Psychic or Mental) Apparatus -- Psychical Conflict -- Psychical Reality -- Psychical Representative ( ) -- Psychical Working Out (or Over) -- Psycho-Analysis -- Psychoneurosis or Neuro-Psychosis -- Psychosis -- Psychotherapy -- Purposive Idea -- Q -- Quota of Affect -- R -- Rationalisation -- Reaction-Formation -- Realistic Anxiety -- Reality Principle -- Reality-Testing -- Regression -- Reparation -- Representability, Considerations of -- Repression -- Resistance -- Retention Hysteria -- Return of the Repressed -- Reversal into die Opposite -- S -- Sadism -- Sadism/Masochism, Sado-Masochism -- Scene of Seduction; Theory of Seduction -- Schizophrenia -- Screen Memory -- Secondary Revision (or Elaboration) -- Self-Analysis -- Sense of Guilt, Guilt Feeling -- Sense (or Feeling) of Inferiority -- Sexual Instinct -- Sexuality -- Signal of Anxiety, Anxiety as Signal -- Somatic Compliance -- Source of the Instinct -- Specific Action -- Splitting of the Ego -- Splitting of the Object -- Subconscious, Subconsciousness -- Sublimation -- Substitute-Formation (or Substitutive Formation) -- Sum of Excitation -- Super-Ego -- Suppression -- Symbolic (sb.) -- Symbolic Realisation -- Symbolism -- Symptom-Formation -- T -- Thanatos -- Thing-Presentation/Word-Presentation -- Topography; Topographical -- Training Analysis -- Transference -- Transference Neurosis -- Transitional Object -- Trauma (Psychical) -- Traumatic Hysteria -- Traumatic Neurosis -- Turning Round upon the Subject's Own Self -- U -- Unconscious (sb. & adj.) -- Undoing (what has been done) -- Urethral Erotism (or Urinary Erotism) -- W -- Wild Psycho-Analysis -- Wish (Desire) -- Wish-Fulfilment -- Withdrawal of Cathexis (or Decathexis) -- Work of Mourning -- Working-off Mechanisms -- Working-Through
Laplanche, Jean
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