Editorial: 2017 - A Year in Review (Theofanis Exadaktylos, Roberta Guerrina and Emanuele Massetti)
Brexit: Where is the EU-UK Relationship Heading? (Simon Hix)
A Different Europe is Possible: The Professionalization of EU Studies and the Dilemmas of Integration in the 21st Century (Ian Manners and Ben Rosamond)
Brexit and the 2017 UK General Election (Sara B. Hobolt)
The 2017 French and German Elections (Hanspeter Kriesi)
A Right-wing Populist Momentum? A Review of 2017 Elections Across Europe (Daphne Halikiopoulou)
Institutional Architecture of the Euro Area (Amy Verdun)
Halfway Through the Better Regulation Strategy of the Juncker Commission: What Does the Evidence Say? (Claudio M. Radaelli)
European Economic Governance in 2017: A Recovery for Whom? (Rosalind Cavaghan and Muireann O'Dwyer)
Austerity and the Politics of Becoming (Akwugo Emejulu and Leah Bassel)
The Politics of European Union Migration Governance (Andrew Geddes)
Towards a European Security and Defence Union: Was 2017 a Watershed? (Nathalie Tocci)
Small States as Agenda-setters? The Council Presidencies of Malta and Estonia (Diana Panke and Julia Gurol)
Theofanis Exadaktylos, Roberta Guerrina and Emanuele Massetti are the JCMS Annual Review Editors and are all based at the University of Surrey, UK.