Introduction Text of the Report of 1804 Selections from the Minutes of Evidence 1. Procedures Stabilizing Exchange Rates Between Edinburgh and London 2. Robert Barnewell, Relation Between Bank of Ireland Note Issues, Prices; Exchange Rates 3. Exchange Stabilization by Bank of Ireland's Use of a London Fund 4. Credit Policy of Bank of Ireland; Relation of Monetary Supply to Prices and Exchange Rates, Exchange Stabilization by Use of London Fund 5. Credit Policy of Bank of Ireland; Relation of Bank of Ireland Notes and Issues of Private Banks; Exchange Stabilization by Use of a London Fund 6. Causes of Exchange Fluctuations; Effect of Absentee Remittances Upon Irish Exports 7. Irish Treasury's Transfer of Funds from England to Ireland 8. Extract from the Bullion Report Relating to the Report of the Irish Currency Committee of 1804 and To The Exchange Relations of Ireland and England