ISBN-13: 9783319746890 / Angielski / Miękka / 2018 / 717 str.
ISBN-13: 9783319746890 / Angielski / Miękka / 2018 / 717 str.
This book presents the refereed proceedings of the third International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications, AMLTA 2018, held in Cairo, Egypt, on February 22-24, 2018, and organized by the Scientific Research Group in Egypt (SRGE).
Part(1) Swarm intelligence and optimzation
A Hybrid Grey Wolf-Bat Algorithm for Global Optimization
Fractional Order Sliding Mode PID Controller/Observer for Continuous Nonlinear Switched Systems with PSO Parameter Tuning
Modified Optimal Foraging Algorithm for Parameters Optimization of Support Vector Machine
Pareto based Bat Algorithm for Multi Objectives Multiple Constraints Optimization in GMPLS Networks
Fish Image Segmentation using Salp Swarm Algorithm
Swarming behaviors of chicken for predicting posts on Facebook branding pages
Enhancing AGDE algorithm using population size reduction for global numerical optimization
Simulated Annealing based Quantum Inspired Automatic Clustering TechniqueHybrid grasshopper optimization algorithm and support vector machines for automatic seizure detection in EEG Signals
A Novel Genetic Algorithm Based k-means Algorithm for Cluster Analysis
Pairwise Global Sequence Alignment using Sine-Cosine Optimization Algorithm
An automated fish species identification system based on crow search algorithm
Part(2) Fuzzy Logic and applications
Design and implementation of Fuzzy PID controller into Multi agent Smart Library System Prototype
Fuzzy Logic controller with color vision system tracking for mobile manipulator robot
Interactive Fuzzy Cellular Automata for Fast Person Re-Identification
Decision Support System for Determination of Forces Applied in Orthodontic based on Fuzzy Logic
Part (3) Advanced Machine Learning and Applications
Behaviorally-Based Textual Similarity Engine for Matching Job-Seekers with Jobs
Machine Learning: A Convergence of Emerging Technologies in Computing
Discrimination of Satellite Signals from Opencast Mining of Mineral Ores of Hematite and Uranium using Digital Image Processing and Geostatistical Algorithms
Detecting Cross-Site Scripting Attacks using Machine Learning
Text Mining Approach to Extract Associations between Obesity and Arabic Herbal Plants
A Reinforcement Learning-based Adaptive Learning System
Performance Evaluation of SVM-Based Amazighe Named Entity Recognition
Trained Neural Networks Ensembles Weight Connections Analysis
An Empirical Analysis of User Behavior for P2P IPTV WorkloadsIntelligent Decision Framework to Explore And control Infection Of Hepatitis C Virus
Supervised Rainfall Learning Model using Machine Learning Algorithms
Reducing Stage Weight Estimation Error of Slow Task Detection in MapReduce Scheduling
Analysis of Complete-Link Clustering for Identifying Multi-attributes Software Quality Data
Student Profile in E-learning Environment Based on Two-Dimensional Ontologies
Comparative Sentiment Analysis on a Set of Movie Reviews using Deep Learning Approach
Medical Equipment Failure Rate Analysis Using Supervised Machine Learning
Part(4) Big data and classification
Big-Data Aggregating, Linking, Integrating and Representing using Semantic Web Technologies
Computer Aided Diagnostic System for Automatic Detection of Brain Tumor through MRI Using Clustering Based Segmentation Technique and SVM ClassifierFeature selection using Genetic algorithm for big data
Prediction of Liver Diseases Based on Machine Learning Technique for Big Data
Stance Detection in Tweets Using a Majority Vote Classifier
A Comparative Study of Classification Methods for Flash Memory Error Rate Prediction
Opinion extraction and classification of real time YouTube cooking recipes comments
A Framework for Big Data Analysis in Smart Cities
Performance Enhancement of Distributed Clustering for Big Data Analytics
Open Circuit Fault Diagnosis of Cascaded H-Bridge MLI using k-NN Classifier based on PPCA
Improved Production Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) Using Intelligent-Manufacturing Execution Systems (I-MES)Improving Land-Cover and Crop-Types Classification of Sentinel-2 Satellite Images
GPU-based CAPSO with N-Dimension Particles
Machine Learning and Big Data Processing: A Technological Perspective and Review
Harnessing the power of Big Data in Science
Building Online Social Network Dataset for Arabic Text Classification
Breast Cancer Detection and Classification using Thermography: A Review
An Optimized K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm for Extending Wireless Sensor Network Lifetime
Efficient Sentiment Analysis Approach Using Feature Selection and Classifier Ensemble
Part(5) Intelligent Systems and Applications
Development of an Ontology Based Solution for Energy Saving Through a Smart Home in the City of Adrar in AlgeriaEmbeddings of Categorical Variables for Sequential Data in Fraud Context
Hybrid Information Filtering Engine for Personalized Job Recommender System
Behaviorally-Based Textual Similarity Engine for Matching Job-Seekers with Jobs
Adaptive Task Scheduling on Multicore Processors
PFastNCA: Parallel Fast Network Component Analysis for gene regulatory network
Robots That Can Mix Serious With Fun
Dialect versus MSA Sentiment Analysis
Energy Aware Optimized Hierarchical Routing Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks
Multi-filter Score-level Fusion for Fingerprint Verification
Color Image Segmentation of Fishes with Complex Background in Water
Analysis of Credit Risk Prediction using ARSkNN
Dental Age Estimation in East Asian Population with Least Squares Regression
Text Mining Approach to Analyse Stock Market Movement
Stock Market Real Time Recommender Model Using Apache Spark Framework
Patient Fingerprint Minutiae based Medical Image Watermarking and Adaptive Integrity
Toward a Secure and Robust Medical Image Watermarking in Untrusted Environment
Gray matter volume abnormalities in the reward system in first-episode patients with major depressive disorder
This book presents the refereed proceedings of the third International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications, AMLTA 2018, held in Cairo, Egypt, on February 22–24, 2018, and organized by the Scientific Research Group in Egypt (SRGE). The papers cover current research in machine learning, big data, Internet of Things, biomedical engineering, fuzzy logic, security, and intelligence swarms and optimization.
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