9. Intraday liquidity: forecast using pattern recognition- Volker Liermann, Sangmeng Li, Victoria Dobryashkina
Part 2: Bank Management Aspects
10. Internal credit risk models with machine learning- Markus Thiele, Harro Dittmar
11. Real estate risk: Appraisal capture- Volker Liermann, Norbert Schaudinnus
12. Managing internal and external network complexity: how digitalization and new technology influence the modeling approach- Stefan Grossmann, Philipp Enzinger
13. Big data and the CRO of the future- Richard L. Harmon
Part 3: Regulatory Aspects- Introduction
14. How technology (or algorithms like deep learning and machine learning) can help to comply with regulatory requirements- Moritz Plenk, Losif Levant, Noah Bellon
15. New Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Fintech Regulation: Ensuring a Successful Special Purpose National Bank Charter Application- Alexa Philo
Part 4: Methods, Technology & Architecture- Introduction
16. Mathematical background of machine learning- Volker Liermann, Sangmeng Li, Victoria Dobryashkina
17. Deep learning: an introduction- Sangmeng Li, Volker Liermann, Norbert Schaudinnus
18. Hadoop: A standard framework for computer cluster- Eljar Akhgarnush, Lars Broeckers, Thorsten Jakoby
19. In-memory databases and their impact on our (future) organizations- Eva Kopic, Bezu Teschome, Thomas Schneider, Ralph Steurer, Sascha Florin
20. MongoDB: The journey from a relational to a document-based database for FIS balance sheet management- Boris Bialek
21. Summary and Outlook- Volker Liermann, Claus Stegmann
Volker Liermann, a Partner at ifb group, brings twenty years of experience in financial risk management. His focus has additionally been on integrated stress testing and liquidity risk management as it impacts asset liability management and profitability. In recent years, he added digital transformation and machine learning to his subjects of expertise. Volker is leading the global business development for banking at ifb. He has an economics background and has a degree in mathematics from the University of Bonn, Germany.
Claus Stegmann, a Partner at ifb group and Member of the Executive Board, acquired extensive know-how during the last two decades in topics like SAP Bank Analyzer, risk management for banks, accounting, regulatory and compliance (Basel III, CRR/CRD IV, Solvency II), and in the management of complex projects in the financial industry. He also co-authored books on stress tests in banks and Basel III. He has an academic background as Diplom-Kaufmann (business school graduate) from the University of Passau, Germany.
This book demystifies the developments and defines the buzzwords in the wide open space of digitalization and finance, exploring the space of FinTech through the lens of the financial services professional and what they need to know to stay ahead. With chapters focusing on the customer interface, payments, smart contracts, workforce automation, robotics, crypto currencies and beyond, this book aims to be the go-to guide for professionals in financial services and banking on how to better understand the digitalization of their industry. The book provides an outlook of the impact digitalization will have in the daily work of a CFO/CRO and a structural influence to the financial management (including risk management) department of a bank.