ISBN-13: 9783639078770 / Angielski / Miękka / 2008 / 116 str.
ISBN-13: 9783639078770 / Angielski / Miękka / 2008 / 116 str.
The impact of employee fairness perceptions on organizational outcomes have been explored by a wide range of research over the last 30 years. Previous studies found relationships between organizational justice and job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behaviors, and productivity. However, there has been minimal research exploring the relationship of employee commitment to supervisor with organizational justice. This book explores the relationship between commitment to supervisor, organizational justice, organizational citizenship behavior and intentions to leave. Previous studies show that the relationship an employee has with their supervisor impacts job satisfaction, extra-role behavior, and intentions to leave. This book adds to the literature in identifying commitment to supervisor as a mediating variable in the relationship between organizational justice and the dependent variables. The results have important implications for organizations in that the relationship formed between a leader and their employees can have far reaching implications for organizational effectiveness and ultimately organizational profitability.