"Kingfisher imagines the horrors lying between worlds in this chilling supernatural thriller...Kingfisher has crafted a truly terrifying monster with minimal descriptions that leave the reader's imagination to run wild. With well-timed humor and perfect scares, this one is a keeper for horror fans." -Publishers Weekly
T. Kingfisher, also known as Ursula Vernon, is the author and illustrator of many projects, including the webcomic "Digger," which won the Hugo Award for Best Graphic Story and the Mythopoeic Award. Her novelette "The Tomato Thief" won the Hugo Award for Best Novelette, and her short story "Jackalope Wives" won the Nebula Award for Best Story. She is also the author of the bestselling Dragonbreath, and the Hamster Princess series of books for children. Find her online at RedWombatStudio.com.