With such a variety of perspectives, this volume offers something for anyone interested in Scottish theol-ogy from the early Enlightenment through the Victorian era.
David Fergusson is Professor of Divinity at the University of Edinburgh. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and a Fellow of the British Academy. His publications include The Providence of God: A Polyphonic Approach (2018) and Faith and Its Critics: A Conversation (2009).
Mark Elliott is Professor of Theology at the University of Glasgow and Professorial Fellow at the University of Toronto (Wycliffe College), having been Professor at St Andrews University. He is from Glasgow, educated at Oxford, Aberdeen and Cambridge and recipient of A von Humboldt stipendia for research trips at Heidelberg and Munich. He has written on Providence in terms both of the History of the idea and of the biblical and theological foundations. He specialises in History of biblical
exegesis and doctrine.