Chapter 1: Introduction: The Hidden World of Chemical Signals.
Chapter 2: A World of Odors: Signals, Cues, and Information.
Chapter 3: Eat or Be Eaten: The Odors and Tastes of the Food World.
Chapter 4: Who are You?: Recognition of Self and Individuals.
Chapter 5: Home Sweet Home: Finding Shelter and Safe Spots.
Chapter 6: The Cocktail Party of Life: Social Cues.
Chapter 7: Stealth and Deception: Lying with Chemicals.
Chapter 8: The Allure of Sex: Fifty Shades of Odors.
Chapter 9: Smells like Teen Spirit: The Odors of Maturity
Chapter 10: Human Chemical Ecology.
Paul A. Moore is a member of the Department of Biological Sciences at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. The Moore Laboratory for Sensory Ecology studies the role that chemical signals play in an organism's ecological role.
This book provides insight into an area that humans often take for granted. There are wonderful and exciting stories of organisms using chemical signals as a basis of a sophisticated communication system. In many instances, chemical signals can provide more detailed and accurate information than any other mode of communication, yet this world is hidden from us because of our focus on visual and auditory signals.