Bibliografia Glosariusz/słownik Wydanie ilustrowane
Chapter 1: The Role of Financial Modelers today
Sub1: Examples of Real day modelling roles
Sub2: Where financial modelers have been used
Sub3: The modelling roles for the future (New)
Chapter 2: Types of Financial Models (New)
Sub1: Quantitive models
Sub2: Stochastic models
Sub3: Time-based models
Sub4: Scenario models
Sub5: Valuation models
Sub6: Other Models
Chapter 3: Review of Best Practices for Modeling
Sub1: Accepted rules
Sub2: Avoid these
Sub:3 Reason behind Best practices (New)
Chapter 4: The Modeling Lifecyle explained (New)
Sub1: The Seven Modeling components explained.
Chapter 5: Planning and designing models
Sub1: Methods of Planning
Sub2: Completing the Plan
Sub3: How to know which model type
Sub4: Methods of designing all models
Sub5: Completing the design
Chapter 6: Its all about the model outputs (New)
Sub1: Explore the types of outputs
Sub2: Creating Dashboards with Excel
Chapter 7: Model Build
Sub1: Building the Outputs
Sub2: Developing the Inputs and Scenarios
Sub3: Connecting the Outputs with the Inputs
Sub4: Building Error Checks
Sub5: User interaction with the model
Chapter 8: Financial Modeling and Accountancy (New)
Sub1: Are Financial modelers Accountants?
Sub2: Accounting concepts for every modeler
Sub3: Where Models and Accounting concepts cross
Chapter 9: The Implications and Rules of Accounting for Modelers
Sub1: Implications of IFRS for Modeling (New)
Sub2: Accounting Professional Ethics for Modelers (new)
Chapter 10: Calculation methods for modelers
Chapter 11: Modeling Scenarios Explored (New)
Chapter 12: The Importance of Documentation
Chapter 13: Model Stress Testing (New)
Chapter 14: Model Auditing & Review (New)
Chapter 15: The Role of VBA in Financial Models
Chapter 16: Financial modelling, where next (New)
Appendix A: Modelling Glossary and terminologies
Appendix B: Ready-Made Functions
Appendix C: References
Jack Avon is the principal consultant at Isys Systems, an international provider of financial modeling and analysis services. He specializes in integrating in-house ERP systems and bespoke financial models, automated dashboards, and automated reporting packages using Microsoft Access, Excel, VBA, SQL Server, and SQL. He trains corporate personnel and develops training manuals in financial data analysis and financial reporting. Clients include British Telecom, Huawei, HSBC, Crossrail, Fujitsu, and the UK Electoral Commission. Avon is the author of The Handbook of Financial Modeling (Apress, 2013)and The Basics of Financial Modeling (Apress, 2015). He holds his MBA in information technology and BS from Bournemouth University and his MS from the University of London.
Financial modeling is a crucial concept for business leaders to understand and execute effectively, but few have the tools necessary to do so. While many professionals are familiar with financial statements and accounting reports, not many are truly proficient at building an accurate and practical financial model from the ground up. The Handbook of Financial Modeling provides these skills and so much more.
Now in its second edition, The Handbook of Financial Modeling takes into account the new tech released since its successful initial release. Author Jack Avon uses his expertise to analyze the changes and improvements in industry-wide financial modeling through the past five years, in addition to instilling core concepts for readers of all experience levels. Approaching your company’s financial issues with a modeler’s perspective will transform and improve the rest of your business career’s trajectory.
Financial professionals, students, business leaders, aspiring CFOs, and more will come away with all the tools necessary to precisely and efficiently monitor an organization’s assets and project future performance. The engaging case studies and Avon’s expert analysis leave you prepared to monitor and predict your organization’s finances effectively. Financial modeling’s latest technology is at your fingertips, and this book’s deep understanding of the topic ensures that you stay ahead of the pack.
Avon, Jack Jack Avon is the director and principal consultant... więcej >