ISBN-13: 9781478160533 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 126 str.
By the year 2053, large parts of the United States have fallen under the rule of fanatical, home-grown Sunni Muslims, who have established the Islamic Republic of America, an Islamic theocracy under Shari'a religious law. Dhimmis (Christians and the few remaining Jews) are a minority. California is a separate Shi'a country. Several Western states form the Mormon Republic, while some southern states make up the Christian Confederacy, both holding out against the Islamic conquest. The rest of what was the United States is part of the Islamic Republic of America. The novel is set on the dairy farm of a Muslim family, and in the fictional town of Tinch Mills, Wisconsin, where a low-grade guerrilla war is disrupting life. The Lutheran Resistance, known as bandits or Crusaders by the Islamic government and local Muslims, is attempting to overthrow Islamic rule and Shari'a law. Technology and the infrastructure have regressed due to the fighting, the ravages of the war that established the Islamic Republic, including the destruction of Washington, DC by a "dirty bomb," and the backwardness of a strict Islamic society. Gasoline is rationed and expensive, electricity not always available, and times hard. Transportation is often by horse. Child marriages are common and a form of slavery, called "bonding," is a feature of local society, both based on the "perfect example" of the Prophet Muhammad, who married his youngest wife at age six, held slaves and revealed that Allah made sex with slave girls lawful for Believers. Women are, as required by Shari'a, very much second class citizens, and homosexuality, adultery and apostasy are capital crimes. Now, the Christians are the terrorists. All author's royalties from this book will be donated to a charity to help those who have suffered in the War on Terror