Report on the Administration of the Niger Coast Protectorate, August 1891 to August 1894, Africa. No. 1 [C. 7596] (1895), inclosures 2, 3, 6–7.; Southern Rhodesia Custom Management Ordinance, No. 6, 1906, in Arthur Speight (ed.), Statute Law of Southern Rhodesia from the Charter to 31st December 1910 (Salisbury: Government Printer, 1911), pp. 838–50.; British South Africa Company, Administration Revenue and Expenditure in Southern and Northern Rhodesia for the Financial Year Ended 31st March, 1914(London: Darling & Son, Ltd, 1915); ‘Customs Tariff. An Ordinance to Consolidate and Amend the Duties of Customs, Ordinance No. 4 of 1899’ and ‘Ground Nuts. An Ordinance to Regulate the Import and Export of Ground Nuts into and from the Colony and Protectorate, Ordinance No. 5 of 1899’, in Ordinances of the Colony of the Gambia in Force 31st July, 1900, 2 vols (London Waterlow & Sons, 1900), vol. 1, pp. 334–8; Harry L. Stephen, ‘Rebellion in Sierra Leone’, Nineteenth Century, 6:12 (1899), pp. 475–83; Edmund Dene Morel, 1 the Sierra Leone Hut-Tax Disturbances. A Reply to Mr. Stephen 2 (Liverpool: John Richardson & Sons, Printers, 29 Dale Street, 1899); Confidential Despatch to Colonial Office on Toll Collection in Abeokuta and Ibadan (with appendices dated 7 July 1903). Rhodes House Library papers, RH: 732. 14 s 44; Frederick D. Lugard, Administration of Tropical Colonies (Colonial Office: Government Printer, 1906). National Archives, Kew, London, CO/879/88/12; Frederick D. Lugard, 1 Memorandum on the Taxation of Natives in Northern Nigeria, in Colonial Reports – Miscellaneous. No. 40. Northern Nigeria [Cd. 3309] (1907); Percy Girouard, ‘Political Memo. No. 26. Directions for Taxation and Land Revenue’ (1908). Rhodes House Library Papers, RH 723 6 r. 2 1908; Donald Cameron, Tanganyika Territory, Native Administration Memoranda No. III: Native Treasuries, 2nd edn (Dar es Salaam: Government Printer, 1930); Sir Bernard Bourdillon, Apportionment of Revenue and Duties as between the Central Government and Native Administrations (Lagos: Government Printer, 1939); Earl of Cromer, Reports by His Majesty’s Agent and Consul-General on the Finances, Administration, and Condition of Egypt and the Soudan in 1902. Egypt. No. 1 [Cd. 1529] (1903); ‘The Local Taxation Ordinance 1912’ (No. 3 of 1912), in Sudan Ordinances and Selected Proclamation Notices, Rules, Regulations and Orders Issued in the Years 1909 to 1913 (London: Warlow & Sons, 1912), pp. 57–66; Report on the Administration, Finances and Condition of the Sudan in 1936. Sudan No. I (1937), pp. 23–9; High Commissioner of Swaziland, Proclamation Consolidating and Amending the Laws relating to the Taxation of Natives in Swaziland (1916). National Archives, Kew, London, No. 1, 1916 in CO 550/4; C. K. Dain, Instructions for the Use of Administrative Officers in regard to the Collection of Native Poll Tax; Instructions for the Use of Saza Chiefs in regard to the Collection of Native Poll Tax; Instructions to Gombolola Chiefs in regard to the Collection of Native Poll Tax (Uganda: Government Printer, 1926); Income Tax Uganda Protectorate Despatch and Petitions (1932). National Archives, Kew, London, CO 536/172/22; Alan W. Pim, ‘Colonial Finance and Native Administration’, Oxford Summer School on Colonial Administration, Second Session (Oxford: Oxford University Press, printed privately for members of the school, 1938); Alan W. Pim, 1 Report of the Commission Appointed to Enquire into and Report on the Financial Position and System of Taxation in Kenya (London: His Majesty’s Stationary Office, 1936), colonial No. 116; W. J. A. Jones, Memorandum on the Introduction of Direct Taxation in the Gold Coast Colony (Accra: Government Printing Office, 1931); Minutes of the Meeting of the Joint Conference of the Provincial Councils Held at Saltpond in April, 1932 (Gold Coast: Government Printer, 1933)