INTRODUCTION, THE PROBLEM OF CONFIGURATION AND THE GESTALT THEORY, BOOK ONE THE CONCEPTUAL CONSTITUTION OF THE GESTALT THEORY, DEVELOPED IN ITS GENETIC CONTINUITY Chapter I. The Theory of the Process— Simply a Preliminary Step to the Actual Gestalt Theory Chapter II. The Achievement of the Orientation in the Problem, which is Characteristic of the Actual Gestalt Theory Chapter III. The Consolidation of the Actual Sy stem of the Gestalt Theory Chapter IV. The Architectonics of the Final Body of Doctrine of the Gestalt Theory BOOK TWO TOWARDS A CRITICISM OF THE GESTALTTHEORY PART ONE TOWARDS AN APPRAISEMENT OF THE CONSTRUCTIONAL FOUNDATION OF THE GESTALT THEORY Chapter I. Kohler 's Evidence to Demonstrate a Gestalt-Theoretical Province in the System of Physics Chapter II. Kohler 's Physiological Explanation of Phenomenal Gestalten in its Original Presentation Chapter III The Problem of Gestalt Physiology in Kohler 's Gestalt Psychology of 1929 and its Appraisement in the Light of a Recent Fundamental Experiment in Biology PART TWO TOWARDS AN APPRAISAL OF THE CONCRETE EMPIRICAL FOUNDATION OF THE GESTALT THEORY SECTION ONE. ON THE STATICS OF GESTALTEN Chapter I. Figural Structures as the Fundamental Phenomenon of the Gestalt Theory Chapter II. The Figural Structures and their Functional Effects proper to the Structure Chapter III The General Concept of the Structure, Colour and Tone Gestalten SECTION TWO. THE NOTION OF A DYNAMICS OFGESTALTEN Chapter I. The Doctrine of Gestalt Dynamics in the Realm of the Perpetual Gestalten Chapter II. Gestalt Dynamics as the Explanation of the Higher Psychical Processes PART THREE TOWARDS AN APPRAISAL OF THE SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS OF THE GESTALT THEORY AS A WHOLE TOWARDS A CHARACTERIZATION OF THE GESTALT PROBLEMS IN THEIR ENTIRETY