ISBN-13: 9781460987025 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 358 str.
Sylvia the gypsy gathered all of her strengths, her hidden potentials and her telepathic gifts to locate brother Domino. She closed her eyes and began to meditate to opened her third eye and higher senses to seek him out. She observed he was about to arrive at the Evil Master's cabin. Planning to snitch and tell the evil master of his scheme and his desires. He was willing to barter this knowledge for rewards. As an insider of the warriors he knew where other righteous warriors, the rebels abodes where located. He thought if he exchanged this information the master would grant him anything he desired. He was acting out of greed and positioned himself into the role of being confident when he faces the light bearer. as he was about to ring the gate bell, he heard a strange noise, a humming, sounded like his dead brother singing? Frightened to hear the sound, he spoke out loud and he asks the wind, who and where was his brother now? He thought he heard a voice in the breeze whispered he is safe and in a holy place. Domino guff at that thought and stated "I think not, he is probably rotting in Hell. The breeze became fierce and whipped him against the metal gate, roaring as a lion, stated "No he is not, but if you betray My Children's whereabouts to the evil master, you will regret your decision to snitch. There is an assigned destination for you in Hell, waiting just for you, Domino. "Are you willing to not repent, and suffer the consequences?."