"Their vivid, fast-paced account gives a good sense of the chaos and excitement..." - Marcia L. Sprules, Library Journal
"A fascinating, truly pioneering account of the political and human drama that took in place on October 5, 2000 in Belgrade. Based on interviews with numerous participants, the authors reconstitute countless actions and reactions that explain how an apparently immutable
dictatorship perished. Required reading for all those who want to understand how human freedom can prevail over tyranny."
- Vladimir Tismaneanu, Political Science, University of Maryland and author of Stalinism for All Seasons: A Political History of Romanian Communism
"The Fall of Milosevic gives a vivid, first-person account of the remarkable events - a mix of careful planning, courage, and luck on the part of the demonstrators, together with defections by police and military - that finally brought down Milosevic's hated rule. This minute-by-minute narrative gives the reader an uncanny sense of what it was like to be on the street with the demonstrators, their confusion and elation, missing only the whiff of tear gas." - Louis Sell, retired US diplomat with many years experience in the former Yugoslavia and author of Slobodan Milosevic and the Destruction of Yugoslavia
"Gripping, inside stuff....fascinating" - The Economist
Stop Them with Wasps Maki's Molotov Cocktails The Battle of Kolubara Vlajko Stojiljkovic, the 'Military Commander' Djindjic meets Legija Attack Plan, Defense Plan 'Arrest Velja Ilic and Svilanovic' Parliament Will Burn Cacak on the Ibar Highway Glorija at the General Staff Mutiny at the Bastille Bulldozer! The Patriarch's Blessing Him or Us! The Assault on the Parliament Parliament Falls The Battle of Vlajkoviceva Street Teargas from the Skies Rescuing the Police Milanovic Runs the Gauntlet The Boys from Brazil The Last Police Station Politika Falls to DOS The New Radio Television Serbia Hotel de Ville Tanks Bosko Buha, Outlaw The Army vs. State Security Milosevic receives Kostunica
DRAGAN BUJOSEVIC, one of the foremost journalists in Serbia, is now deputy editor in chief of NIN, a leading news magazine and is host of a television political talk show in Belgrade.
IVAN RADOVANOVIC is a journalist who reported on Serbia's various wars in the Balkans. He is also a novelist and the education coordinator for journalists in the Media Centre in Belgrade.