ISBN-13: 9780202308425 / Angielski / Miękka / 2006 / 184 str.
ISBN-13: 9780202308425 / Angielski / Miękka / 2006 / 184 str.
In The Face of the Fox, an anthropological and sociological study of theFox American Indians (the Mesquakie, their actual tribal name) who livejust outside Tama, Iowa, Frederick Gearing puts a face on the peoples ofthis tribe. In doing so, Gearing particularly deals with the estrangementof the Fox Indians and the Westerners surrounding them. He defines theconcept of estrangement as including feelings of contempt, indifference, and pity often leading to misplaced hurt and hate on both sides.Specifically, he states that when one is estranged, he is unable to relatebecause he cannot see enough to relate to, which is a type of socialdisconnect. Estrangement shackles both parties, leaving them unable toconnect with one another