Chapter 1. The Evolving Flexibility of Voyage Chaterparties Professor D. Rhidian Thomas Chapter 2. Jurisdiction and Arbitration Clauses Steven Gee QC Chapter 3. Legal Aspects of the Approach Voyage Richard Lord QC Chapter 4. The Loading Obligations of Voyage Charterers Dr Theodora Nikaki Chapter 5. The Wreck of the Hesperus Revisited: A Review of the Obligations of Seaworthiness in Contracts of Affreightment Charles G.C.H Baker Chapter 6. Dangerous Cargo and "Legally Dangerous" Cargo Robert Gay Chapter 7. Arrival, Readiness and the Commencement of Laytime Simon Rainey QC Chapter 8. The Running of Laytime and Demurrage when a Charterer does not have Sole Use of a Vessel Mark Hamsher Chapter 9. Laytime and Demurrage Clauses in Contracts of Sale- A Survey of the New York Society of Maritime Arbitrators' Awards (1978-2008) and English Case Law Professor Jason Chuah Chapter 10. Bills of Lading and Voyage Charters Professor Francis Reynolds QC Chapter 11. Charterparty Bills of Lading Cargo Interests' Liabilities to the Shipowner Simon Baughen Chapter 12. The Bill of Lading Contracts Under European National Laws (Civil Law Approaches to Explaining the Legal Approaches to Explaining the Legal Position of the Consignee under Bills of Lading) Professor Frank G.M Smeele Chapter 13. Comparative Observations on United States Law and Practice Relating to Voyage Charters LeRoy Lambert Chapter 14. The Impact of Deviation on Contracts of Affreightment Professor Richard Williams Chapter 15. Cancellation Clauses and Repudiatory Breach Professor Michael Furmstron Chapter 16. Frustration in Voyage Charters- Silted-up Backwater or Vital Navigation Resource? Professor Andrew Tettenborn
Professor D. Rhidian Thomas is a Professor of Maritime Law and Director of the Institute of Shipping and Trade Law at the School of Law.