"The Evergreen Heir is a fun, light read that kept me turning the pages with the tension built around the main characters, and touched upon enough of the setting to make me want to pick up the previous entries in The Five Crowns of Okrith." - Fantasy Book Critic
"This slow-burning friends to lovers romance is an endearing and heartfelt moment in the series. The underlying theme of self-identity and self-worth not being tied to a physical attribute but rather to the merits as a human is represented in a thoughtful and empowering storyline. Neelo's journey eloquently showcases how everyone deserves unconditional love and the respect of being their true selves." - Manhattan Book Reviews
A.K. Mulford is a bestselling fantasy author and former wildlife biologist who swapped rehabilitating monkeys for writing novels. She/they are inspired to create diverse stories that transport readers to new realms, making them fall in love with fantasy for the first time, or all over again. She now lives in Australia with her husband and two young human primates, creating lovable fantasy characters and making ridiculous TikToks.