Introduction: Who This Book Is For, What It's About, and WhyChapter 1: What IS An Effective Manager?Chapter 2: The 4 Most Effective BehaviorsChapter 3: Teachable and Sustainable ToolsChapter 4: Know Your People - One On OnesChapter 5: Doing One On Ones With Remote DirectsChapter 6: How To Start Doing One On OnesChapter 7: Talk About Performance - FeedbackChapter 8: How To Give Feedback To Remote DirectsChapter 9: How To Start Delivering FeedbackChapter 10: Ask For More - CoachingChapter 11: How To Coach Remote DirectsChapter 12: How To Start CoachingChapter 13: Push Work Down - DelegationChapter 14: How To Delegate To Remote DirectsChapter 15: How To Start DelegatingChapter 16: The Manager Tools ManagerIndex
MARK HORSTMAN is Co-founder of Manager Tools LLC, a management consultancy and training firm working with over half of the Fortune 1000. He has over 25 years' experience training managers and executives.KATE BRAUN is a Managing Partner of Manager Tools and co-host of the award-winning business podcast, Manager Tools. Kate has been helping develop and train managers and executives since 2017. She has a degree in mechanical engineering and her previous experience includes a career in aerospace engineering.SARAH SENTES is a Managing Partner of Manager Tools and co-host of renowned business podcast, Manager Tools. She has been training professionals, managers and executives since January 2016. Her background is in IT administration in a unionized public service environment.