Part I: The Economy as a System of Power 1. Economics Allocation or Valuation 2. The Latin American “Structuralists” and the Institutionalists: Convergence in Development Theory 3. Power and Illusion in the Marketplace: Institutions and Technology 4. What is Distinctive About Contemporary Capitalism? 5. The Impact of Economics on Technology 6. The Institutional Basis of an Agricultural Market Economy Part II: The Corporate System 7. The Problems and Prospects of Collective Capitalism 8. The Rise of the Corporate State in America 9. Market Structure and Interfirm Integration in the Petroleum Industry 10. Comments on “Market Structure and Interfirm Integration” 11. Organizational Structure, Technological Advance, and the New Tasks of Government Part III: Power and the Interrelations Between Legal and Economic Processes 12. Study of Relationships Between Economic and Political Systems 13. Contract Law, the Free Market, and State Intervention: A Jurisprudential Perspective 14. Lord Mansfield and the Law Merchant: Law and Economics in the Eighteenth Century 15. Bargain and Contract Theory in Law andEconomics 16. Legal Foundations of the Corporate State 17. Comments on “Legal Foundations of the Corporate State” 18. Corporate Foundations of Law and the State 19. Technology, Ideology, and the State in EconomicDevelopment 20. John R. Commons's Legal Economic Theory 21. Commons and Clark on Law and Economics 22. Property and Economic Power as Issues in Institutional Economics 23. Law and Economics 24. Copyright, Conflict, and a Theory of Property Rights 25. Review of Randall Bartlett, “Economic Foundations of Political Power”