'The Electronic Copyright Handbook' provides library and information professionals with practical guidance to minimise the risk of copyright infringement.
1. Introduction
1.1 Background 1.2 Possible treaty on copyright exceptions for libraries and archives 1.3 Is digital content treated differently? 1.3.1 Communication to the public 1.3.2 Technical protection measures 1.3.3 Electronic rights management information
2. Content types
2.1 API (application programming interface) 2.1.1 Oracle America Inc. v. Google 2.1.2. Peter Zabulis v. The Independent 2.2 Audiobooks 2.2.1 Bonnier Audio AB and others v. Perfect Communication Sweden 2.3 Broadcasts 2.3.1 Educational Recording Agency licence 2.3.2 Open University licence 2.3.3 Box of Broadcasts 2.4 Databases 2.4.1 Database protection by copyright 2.4.2 Database protection by database right 2.5 DVDs 2.5.1 Filmbank 2.5.2 MPLC 2.5.3 Enforcement action 2.6 E-books 2.6.1 Privacy concern 2.7 E-journals 2.8 E-learning materials 2.9 E-mails 2.10 E-reserves 2.11 Films 2.11.1 Convictions for film copyright offences 2.11.2 Case study on counterfeit films 2.12 Games 2.13 Graphical user interfaces 2.14 Lifecasting 2.15 Multimedia 2.16 Music 2.17 News aggregators 2.17.1 Google News 2.18 Podcasts 2.19 Ringtones 2.20 RSS feeds 2.21 Second Life 2.22 Social networking sites 2.23 Software 2.24 Streaming 2.25 Webcasts 2.26 Weblogs 2.27 Wiki
3. Activities
3.1 Deep linking 3.1.1 The ‘safe harbour’ provisions of the E-commerce Directive 3.1.2 Does hyperlinking in and of itself constitute publication? 3.1.3 Can a deep link infringe copyright? 3.2 Mashups 3.3 Scraping 3.3.1 Copyright infringement 3.3.2 Database right infringement 3.3.3 Breach of contract 3.3.4 Computer misuse 3.3.5 Passing off 3.3.6 Scraping disputes 3.4 Rental and lending 3.4.1 Public lending right scheme 3.4.2 Lending of e-books 3.4.3 Textbook rental services 3.5 Mass digitization 3.5.1 Europeana 3.5.2 British Library digitization project 3.5.3 Wellcome Library 3.6 Sharing of passwords 3.7 Proxy sites 3.8 Filesharing 3.8.1 Penalties for illegal filesharing 3.8.2 Tactics of solicitors acting in filesharing cases 3.8.3 Cyberlockers 3.8.4 Inadvertent filesharing 3.9 Selling digital content second-hand 3.10 Preservation and digital curation 3.11 Common myths
4. The copyright exceptions
4.1 Introduction 4.2 Berne three-step test 4.3 Temporary or transient copies 4.3.1 Infopaq International A/S v. Danske Dagblades Forening 4.3.2 Newspaper Licensing Agency v. Meltwater & PRCA 4.4 Commercial purpose 4.4.1 ‘Commercial’ in the context of Creative Commons licensed content 4.5 Fair dealing 4.6 Library privilege – archiving and preservation 4.7 Visual impairment 4.8 The public interest 4.9 Educational exceptions 4.10 Exceptions relating to computer software 4.11 Exceptions relating to databases 4.11.1 Copyright exceptions 4.11.2 Database right exceptions 4.12 Abstracts of scientific and technical articles 4.13 Format shifting 4.14 Benefiting from the exceptions where there is a TPM in place 4.15 Orphan works
5. Licences
5.1 Contract v. copyright 5.2 Collective licensing societies 5.2.1 Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) 5.2.2 Newspaper Licensing Agency (NLA) 5.2.3 Educational Recording Agency (ERA) 5.2.4 Design Artists Copyright Society (DACS) 5.2.5 Copyright Tribunal 5.3 Extended collective licensing 5.4 Creative Commons 5.5 Open Government Licence 5.6 Open access 5.7 Microlicensing 5.8 Out-of-commerce and out-of-print works 5.9 Pan-European digital licensing 5.10 Music licensing and public libraries
6. The Digital Economy Act 2010
6.1 The key players 6.1.1 Copyright owner 6.1.2 Communications provider 6.1.3 Internet service provider 6.1.4 Subscriber 6.2 Copyright infringement reports (CIRs) 6.3 Copyright infringement lists 6.4 Quality assurance reports 6.5 Penalties 6.6 Appeals and costs 6.7 Filesharing 6.7.1 Unsecured Wi-Fi access 6.7.2 Filesharing statistics 6.8 Website blocking 6.9 Practical measures to ensure compliance with the DEA 2010 6.9.1 Securing Wi-Fi networks 6.9.2 Notice and takedown 6.9.3 Acceptable use policy 6.9.4 User authentication 6.9.5 Manage new software installations 6.9.6 Educate users on copyright 6.9.7 Review policies for proxy servers and virtual private networks
7. Enforcement
7.1 Introduction 7.2 Protecting your content 7.3 Exploiting content 7.4 Notice and takedown 7.5 Norwich Pharmacal orders 7.6 Fines and prosecutions 7.7 Extradition 7.8 Cutting off funding to sites 7.9 The role that search engines can play 7.9.1 Deindexing content 7.9.2 Traffic lights to show illegal content 7.10 Major legal cases 7.11 Content identification tools 7.12 Copyright trolls 7.12.1 Righthaven 7.12.2 Digital Rights Corp 7.12.3 Shakedown schemes 7.13 Filtering 7.13.1 Terrorism 7.14 Moderation policies 7.15 Role of internet service providers 7.16 EU database of IP infringers
8. The Hargreaves Review
8.1 Overview 8.1.1 Evidence 8.1.2 International priorities 8.1.3 Copyright licensing 8.1.4 Orphan works 8.1.5 Limits to copyright 8.1.6 Patent thickets and other obstructions to innovation 8.1.7 The design industry 8.1.8 Enforcement of IP rights 8.1.9 Small firm access to IP advice 8.1.10 An IP system responsive to change 8.2 Copyright licensing 8.2.1 Digital Copyright Exchange 8.2.2 Extended collective licensing 8.2.3 Regulation of the collecting societies 8.3 Orphan works 8.4 Limits to copyright (the copyright exceptions) 8.4.1 Data analytics and text mining 8.4.2 Limited private copying 8.4.3 Parody 8.4.4 Library archiving and preservation 8.4.5 Disability 8.4.6 Public administration and reporting 8.4.7 Quotations or extracts 8.4.8 Research and private study 8.4.9 Educational use 8.4.10 Other exceptions 8.4.11 Override by contract 8.5 Enforcement of IPR in the digital age 8.6 Copyright opinions
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