Contents: Socio-cultural context of the forums - Conflicts and controversies in theory and practice - The République des Lettres and Pamphlets - Communication principles from Early Modern Controversies to Electronic communication - Individual moves and strategies: from the République des Lettres to online discussion forums - Individual moves and strategies in online discussion forums - Stylistic choices in controversies.
The Author: Manouchehr Moshtagh Khorasani studied English, Spanish and Business Administration at Universität Gießen (JLU), University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and Universidad de Salamanca. He graduated in 1995 with a Diplom-Anglist degree. The author has been working since then as an international corporate trainer dealing with the topics of leadership, team development and intercultural training for a number of major banks. In 2008 the author set up his own consulting company and has been working as a corporate trainer and consultant for banks and law firms. He received his doctorate degree in English linguistics from Universität Gießen in March 2008.