Introduction 1Part I: Meet the Wise Fool 9Part II: The Wise Fool Strategies 231 Buck the Crowd 252 Flex Your Risk Muscle 373 Laugh at It 494 Seek Other Right Answers 595 Keep Playing with It 696 Reverse Your Perspective 817 Fool Around with the Constraints 918 Build on an Odd Idea 999 Look for Ambiguity 10310 See the Obvious 11111 Use Your Forgettery 11712 Drop What's Obsolete 12513 Kiss a Favorite Idea Goodbye 13114 Revisit a Discarded Idea 13515 Find What's out of Whack 13916 Stop Fooling Yourself 14517 Exercise Humility 15318 Imagine the Unintended 15919 Develop a Thick Skin 16920 Shed an Illusion 173Part III: Use Your Wise Fool Know-How 177Selected Bibliography 193Index of Proper Names 196Acknowledgments 199About the Author 200
Roger von Oech has spent a lifetime listening to his Wise Fool. He started his company, Creative Think, in 1977, to stimulate innovation in business. His seminars and products have enhanced the creativity of millions around the world.His clients have ranged from Apple, IBM, Cartier, Columbia Pictures, Nestlé, and Disney to NASA, Coca-Cola, Sony, Google, Microsoft, and USA Swimming.He is the author of four books on creativity, including the classic million- seller A Whack on the Side of the Head (translated into 25 languages). He's the creator of the Creative Whack Pack card deck and iOS app. In addition, he is the inventor of a line of magnetic manipulative geometrical toys, the most popular of which is the Ball of Whacks.He is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Ohio State, and earned his PhD from Stanford University in a self-conceived program in the "History of Ideas."