'From TPP to CPTPP nothing much changed other than the disappearance of the United States from the list of signatories. This model FTA includes provisions on the most avant-garde issues in international trade, and will surely provide a model for future FTAs. In this volume, the editors managed to bring together an amazing wealth of talent, and assigned them the task to explain the salient features of the CPTPP. The result is the most comprehensive discussion on what is proving to be a mainstay in international trade relations.' Petros C. Mavroidis, CLS, New York City
1. Introduction: the Trans-Pacific Partnership becomes the comprehensive and progressive agreement for TPP David A. Gantz and Jorge Huerta-Goldman; 2. TPP, US Congress and the Trade Promotion Authority Sheridan S. McKinney and John Gilliland; 3. The TPP, a horizontal overview Roberto Zapata Barradas; 4. Market access for trade in goods negotiations in the TPP César Guerrero and Félix González Sáenz; 5. Trade provisions as legos? How Chapter 2 of the TPP was influenced by WTO negotiations and prior US trade deals Roy Santana; 6. TPP, agricultural trade and food security Ekaterina Krivonos, Daneswar Poonyth and Mischa Tripoli; 7. Rules of origin and origin procedures Luis Ricardo Rodriguez Meneses; 8. Trade in textiles and apparel goods Rupa Ganguli and Jorge A. Huerta Goldman; 9. How far beyond the TFA? Trade facilitation in the WTO and the TPP Carlos Gabriel Enriquez Montes; 10. Treatment of trade remedies under the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Chapter 6 David A. Gantz; 11. SPS chapter under the TPP agreement and its implications Yuka Fukunaga; 12. Technical barriers to trade Jorge A. Huerta Goldman; 13. Addressing the right to regulate in the CPTPP investment chapter: identifying new treaty practice Rodrigo Monardes, Ana Novik and Carlos Portales; 14. Protecting Investment under NAFTA the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the comprehensive and progressive TPP David A. Gantz; 15. The Trans-Pacific Partnership as a development of the Australia−United States free trade agreement: services liberalization and investment protection Tania Voon and Andrew D. Mitchell; 16. Services overview: background, strategy and solutions Amb Peter Allgeier; 17. Cross-border trade in services (Chapter 10) and temporary entry for business persons (Chapter 12) Guillermo Malpica Soto; 18. Financial services Juan A. Marchetti; 19. Telecommunications chapter in the TPP Gerardo Meza Grillo; 20. Understanding the TPP agreement e-commerce chapter Ed Brzytwa, Stephen Ezell and Nigel Cory; 21. Government procurement in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: a global beachhead for market access and good governance Robert D. Anderson, Philippe Pelletier and Christopher R. Yukins; 22. TPP's competition policy chapter: towards convergence Juliana Nam; 23. Rules for state-owned enterprises in Chapter 17 of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: balancing market-oriented discipline and policy flexibility for states Iain Sandford and Jan Yves Remy; 24. Non-commercial assistance rules in the TPP: a comparative analysis with the SCM Agreement Yoshinori Abe and Takemasa Sekine; 25. IP in the TPP: how far beyond the existing FTAs does it go? Maximiliano Santa Cruz Scantlebury and Denisse Pérez; 26. Strengthening labor rights in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: a lost opportunity? Desirée LeClercq and Karen Curtis; 27. TPP trade and environment chapter Christopher O'Toole; 28. Horizontal regulatory coherence aspects of the TPP Phoenix X. F. Cai; 29. Transparency and anti-corruption Jorge A. Huerta Goldman; 30. State-to-state dispute settlement under TPP Chapter 28 and NAFTA Chapter 20 David A. Gantz; 31. Initial provisions, administrative provisions, exceptions and final provisions (TPP Chapters 1, 27, 29 and 30) David A. Gantz.