'This magisterial overview of the historical development and current state of generative syntax is balanced, wide-ranging, intermittently controversial, always constructive, and consistently useful to neophyte and seasoned researcher alike.' Neil Smith, Professor Emeritus of Linguistics, University College London
Part I. Background: 1. Introduction Marcel den Dikken; 2. Brief overview of the history of generative syntax Howard Lasnik and Terje Lohndal; 3. Goals and methods of generative syntax Frederick Newmeyer; Part II. Modern Generative Approaches to the Study of Sentence Structure: 4. Principles and parameters theory and minimalism Željko Bošković; 5. Minimalism and optimality theory Hans Broekhuis and Ellen Woolford; 6. Lexical-functional grammar Peter Sells; 7. Phrase structure grammar James Blevins and Ivan Sag; 8. Tree adjoining grammar Robert Frank; Part III. Syntactic Structures: 9. Argument structure and argument structure alternations Gillian Ramchand; 10. The syntax of predication Caroline Heycock; 11. Lexical categories and (extended) projection Norbert Corver; 12. The functional structure of the sentence, and cartography Luigi Rizzi; 13. Adverbial and adjectival modification Artemis Alexiadou; Part IV. Syntactic Processes: Their Nature, Locality, and Motivation: 14. Economy of derivation and representation Samuel David Epstein, Hisatsugu Kitahara, Miki Obata and T. Daniel Seely; 15. Syntax, binding and patterns of anaphora Ken Safir; 16. Raising and control Maria Polinsky; 17. Agreement and case Mark Baker; 18. The locality of syntactic dependencies Marcel den Dikken and Antje Lahne; Part V. Syntax and the Internal Interfaces: 19. Ellipsis phenomena Jeroen van Craenenbroeck and Jason Merchant; 20. Tense, aspect and modality Karen Zagona; 21. Negation and negative polarity Hedde Zeijlstra; 22. The syntax of scope and quantification Veneeta Dayal; 23. Syntax, information structure and prosody Daniel Büring; Part VI. Syntax and the External Interfaces: 24. Microsyntactic variation Sjef Barbiers; 25. Parameters: the pluses and the minuses Rosalind Thornton and Stephen Crain; 26. Syntax and the brain Jon Sprouse and Ellen F. Lau.