1. Introduction Katja L. H. Samuel, Marie Aronsson-Storrier and Kirsten Nakjavani Bookmiller; Part I. International Law Framework and DRR: 2. Seven dimensions of disaster: the Sendai Framework and the social construction of catastrophe Michael D. Cooper; 3. Exploring the foundations: the principles of prevention, mitigation, and preparedness in international law Marie Aronsson-Storrier; 4. The ILC's articles on the protection of persons in the event of disasters and disaster risk reduction – a legislative history Arnold N. Pronto; 5. Disaster risk reduction cooperation for the protection of persons in the event of disasters Hugo Cahueñas Muñoz; 6. Recognising limits of international law in disaster risk reduction as problem and solution Michael Eburn, Andrew Collins and Karen da Costa; Part II. Communication, Early Warning Systems and DRR: 7. The 'protection of knowing': the evolving concept of early warning and states' obligations to inform of disaster risk and warn of disaster Simon Whitbourn; 8. Speaking with one or multiple voices in multi-hazard early warning systems? A survey of international and national legal and policy frameworks Silvia Venier and Francesca Capone; 9. The development of the 'single official voice principle' in national legal frameworks and at the EU level Stefano Silingardi; 10. Access to disaster risk information, early warning and education: implementing the Sendai framework through human rights law Marlies Hesselman; Part III. Regional and National Approaches: 11. Soft obligations and hard realities: regional disaster risk reduction in Europe and Asia W. John Hopkins; 12. Embracing regionalism: lessons from the UN Regional Seas Programme for UNISDR and the Sendai Framework Dug Cubie; 13. Disaster risk reduction through risk pooling – the case of hazard risk pooling schemes Morten Broberg and Erica Hovani; 14. Disaster risk governance and coherence: the case of incentives for private business to foster disaster resilience and sustainability Eloísa Dutari and Cássius G. Chai; 15. Disaster risk reduction and the state: the failure of no-build zones after Typhoon Haiyan Daniel Fitzpatrick and Caroline Compton; Part IV. Air, Sea and DRR: 16. Risk reduction and response mechanisms in aviation Wanlu Zhang; 17. Disaster risk reduction in cruise shipping, capacity building for crew members and the polar code Stefan Kirchner; 18. Regional legal frameworks for search and rescue: the Arctic experience of regulating early warning systems Simon Marsden; Part V. Health, Cultural Property/Natural Heritage and DRR: 19. Disaster risk reduction, early warning systems, and global health: critiquing the current system-based approach Katja L. H. Samuel and Rosalind J. Cornforth; 20. Disaster risk reduction, the International Federation of Red Cross, and emergency health for women in Nepal 2015 Christy Shucksmith-Wesley; 21. Cultural heritage and disaster risk reduction Giulio Bartolini; Part VI. Catastrophic Events and DRR: 22. The right to evacuation of nuclear disaster victims and disaster risk reduction in the event of radiation emergencies: the Fukushima nuclear disaster Emika Tokunaga; 23. Improving disaster risk mitigation: towards a 'multi-hazard' approach to terrorism Katja L. H. Samuel, William C. Banks and Daphné Richemond-Barak.