Introduction Nicholas Cook, Monique M. Ingalls and David Trippett; 1. Digital technology and cultural practice Nicholas Cook; Personal take 1: whatever happened to tape trading? Lee Marshall; 2. Towards a digital history of music: new technologies, business practices, and intellectual property regimes Martin Scherzinger; Personal take 2: on serving as an expert witness in the 'blurred lines' case Ingrid Monson; 3. Shaping the stream: techniques and troubles of algorithmic recommendation K. E. Goldschmitt and Nick Seaver; Personal take 3: being a curator Ben Sinclair; Personal take 4: can machines have taste? Stéphan-Eloïse Gras; 4. Technologies of the musical selfie Sumanth S. Gopinath and Jason Stanyek; Personal take 5: vaporwave is dead, long live vaporwave! Adam Harper; 5. Witnessing race in the new digital cinema Peter McMurray; Personal take 6: giving history a voice Mariana Lopez; 6. Musical media in online devotion Monique M. Ingalls; Personal take 7: technicians of ecstasy Graham St John; Personal take 8: live coded mashup with the humming wires Alan Blackwell and Sam Aaron; Personal take 9: algorave: dancing to algorithms Alex McLean; 7. Rethinking liveness in a digital age Paul Sanden; Personal take 10: augmenting musical performance Andrew McPherson; Personal take 11: digital demons, real and imagined Steve Savage; Personal take 12: composing with sounds as images Julio d'Escriván; Personal take 13: compositional approaches to film, TV and video games Stephen Baysted; 8. Virtual words from recording to video games Isabella van Elferen; 9. Posthumanism and the generation of empathy David Trippett; Personal take 14: in the wake of the virtual Frances Dyson; 10. Digital inequalities and global sounds Shzr Ee Tan; 11. The political economy of streaming Martin Scherzinger.