Part I. Foundations of European Criminal Law: 1. European Union and European Council, special focus on criminal law Krisztina Karsai and Liane Wörner; 2. The European Court System and its role in shaping European criminal law Liz Heffernan; Part II. Purposes and Principles: 3. Human Rights Protection through the Lens of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the ECHR Noreen O'Meara; 4. Primacy, Duty of Loyalty and Interpretation Emanuela Fronza; 5. Supranational criminal law, harmonisation and approximation Kimmo Nuotio; 6. Mutual recognition and mutual trust Philipp Ronsfeld; Part III. European Substantive Criminal Law: 7. Protection of the Financial Interests of the EU (Art. 325 TFEU) Stefanie Bock; 8. Cross-Border Crimes Marianne L. Wade; 9. Further Areas Jan Stajnko, Petra Weingerl and Miha Šepec; Part IV. European Criminal Procedure: 10. Fundamental Rights Protection Martin Böse; 11. Extradition and surrender: from a bilateral political arrangement to a triangular legal procedure Pedro Caiero and Miguel João Costa; 12. Further mutual legal assistance. The European Investigation Order Lorena Bachmaier Winter; 13. Police (operational and other) cooperation Kai Ambos and Peter Rackow; Part V. Institutions: 14. Office de Lutte Antifraud (OLAF) Olivier Cahn; 15. Europol Katalin Ligeti and Fabio Giuffrida; 16. Eurojust Alejandro Hernández López and Francisco Jiménez-Villarejo Fernández; 17. A European Public Prosecutor Office to Protect Common Financial Interests: A Milestone for the EU Integration Process Silvia Allegrezza; Part VI. Perspectives: 18. Brexit and European Criminal Law Valsamis Mitsilegas; 19. Rethinking European Criminal Law Frank Meyer.