Welcome to BreakthroughCHAPTER 1:Silence Your CynicToxic Effect #1: Death to InnovationToxic Effect #2: Bye, Bye Diverse IdeasToxic Effect #3: Shackles on the MindCHAPTER 2:Strip Away EverythingCheck YourselfQuestion OrthodoxiesDon't Believe Everything You HearCHAPTER 3:Live with the ProblemLook Before You LeapTry Passive PercolationSpend Your Time WiselyCHAPTER 4:Check Your EdgeExpand Your ThinkingPursue the UnexpectedStretch YourselfCHAPTER 5:Enlist a Motley CrewGet Truly MotleyEnlist All MembersRow Like a CrewCHAPTER 6:Get RealFind Your EquilibriumBe Yourself But Keep EvolvingGet Real TogetherCHAPTER 7:Make a MessProduce a PrototypeCo-createBuild For Buy-inCHAPTER 8:Don't Play 'Nice'Strike the Right NoteMake It Worth ItAnticipate DifferencesCHAPTER 9:Dial Up the DramaSet the StageImmerse YourselfMake Em LaughCHAPTER 10:Make ChangeChangeIterate and AdaptMake a DentContentsPutting the Principles into Practice:Breakthrough MethodsSilence Your Cynic Methods1. Interrogate Yourself2. Ask What If...?3. Change Your Mind(set)4. Get Physical5. Buddy UpStrip Away Everything Methods1. Flip Orthodoxies2. Defy Constraints3. Sleuth for Truth4. Search for UFOs (Unidentified Fact Options)5. Reuse and RepurposeLive with the Problem Methods1. Act like a Toddler2. Change the Lens3. Try Question-storming4. Stretch Out Your Brainstorming5. Sleep On ItCheck Your Edge Methods1. Plot Your Portfolio2. Think Three Bears3. Play Mad Libs4. Mix It Up4. Push YourselfEnlist a Motley Crew Methods1. Reveal Your Superpower2. Assess Your Team's Diversity3. Mind the Gap4. Interrupt Cascades5. Celebrate SlogansGet Real Methods1. Start a Vulnerability Loop2. Flag Highs and Lows3. Explore Trust4. Ask Deeper Questions5. ListenMake a Mess Methods1. Go Marshmallow!2. Make a Metaphor3. Immerse Yourself4. Stream Your Consciousness5. Doodle DoDon't Play 'Nice' Methods1. Save a Seat for the Elephant2. Go To Extremes3. Find Your Achille's Heel4. Like, Wish, and Wonder5. Frame FeedbackDial Up the Drama Methods1. Kick It Around2. Color Me Breakthrough3. Light It Up4. Make a Playlist5. Be a CharacterMake Change Methods1. Navel-gaze2. Establish Rituals3. Motivate With Nudges4. Plan for Scenarios5. Find Your WhyReferencesAcknowledgementsA Note from the AuthorsAbout the Authors
KIM CHRISTFORT is the Chief Innovation Leader and founder of the Deloitte Greenhouse(r) Experience group, focused on pushing the frontiers of experiential engagement to help clients reveal opportunity and create meaningful impact.SUZANNE VICKBERG is a social-personality psychologist and Chief Researcher for the Deloitte Greenhouse(r) Experience, focused on exploring the behavioral dynamics underpinning individual and team engagement and creative problem-solving.