ISBN-13: 9780989196093 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 152 str.
ISBN-13: 9780989196093 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 152 str.
The Book Of D. Barnes: As I Walked Through The Streets Of Los Angeles is an autobiography of a young man who hails from Atlanta, Georgia. He had consecutive dreams-nightmares-about being in Los Angeles, California, standing in the middle of the street between two buildings in the dark. And when he started to walk down the street, he saw people trapped in hell trying to get out, but nobody saw him. The road he walked had no ending. It went on and on. The author's arrival in Los Angeles landed him on Fifth Street in downtown L.A., the homeless section. When the cabdriver let him out, he was standing between two tall buildings that looked identical to the buildings that he saw in his dreams. Darryl stood out among the homeless and because he did so, he was offered a job and a decent place to live. As you take this journey with Darryl through the pages of this book, your heart will go out for those who are trapped between the walls of hell and despair. You will begin to understand the old adage, "You know where you've been, but you don't know where you may go later in life." You will see the compassion and caring the author had for those in need, how they impacted his life, and how he, in turn, impacted their lives. What people are saying: This book will humble the mighty; it will inspire the outcasts and the down-and-out. I laughed, I cried, and most of all, I recognized that if you hear the voice of God speaking to you and telling you to do something or to go someplace, it's best to answer that call. The author has spent his life and career helping those in need and that makes him happy. You can clearly see that his homelessness was the springboard to his destiny. Dr. Rosie Milligan, author and founder of Black Writers On Tour