1. Introduction: Rethinking Capitalism, Work, and the Body
Steffan Blayney, Joey Hornsby & Savannah Whaley
2. The Productive Body Revisited
François Guéry
2. The Productive Body Revisited
Dan Taylor
4. Corporeal and Abstract: Is There a 'Left Biopolitics' of Bodies?
Marina Vishmidt
5. Empty Promises: The Financialization of Labour
Phil Jones
6. The Dialectical Body: Bringing Science Back into Socialism
Graham Jones
7. Neither Appropriated nor Expropriated: Notes Towards an Autonomist Cripistemology of the Productive Body
Arianna Introna
8. The Quantified Self, the Ideology of Health, and Fat
Dawn Woolley
9. The Artefact of Losing: The (Bio)poetics of Miscarriage
Helen Charman & Christopher Law
10. Reproductive Data-Bodies: Privacy, Inequality and Anti-Abortion Politics in the Age of Platform Capitalism
Grace Tillyard
11. Algorithmic Capitalism, the New Machinofacture and the Productive Body
Stephen Shapiro & Philip Barnard