ISBN-13: 9781535035620 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 156 str.
ISBN-13: 9781535035620 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 156 str.
When it comes to alternative medical treatment, essential oils are indispensable for every home. They are natural, inexpensive and 100 effective for optimum healing and health. Synthetic substances contained in expensive drugs merely cover up symptoms but damage vital organs in the name of side effects. Essential oils are not like that. Proven to be 50 times stronger than herbs, essential oils heal at a cellular level, passing through the skin and straight into the circulatory system and cells to bring lasting healing and restoration without side effects. There are over 200 recipes in this big book to help you cure everyday ailments. From simple Coughs and Colds, headaches, fevers to pains, digestive problems and emotional issues, you will never have to spend lots of money on medications anymore. What's more, there are also plenty of information on essential oils to help you benefit immensely from their diverse usage. As a matter of fact, everything you need to know about essential oil for healing and health can be found in this big book. It's worth every penny