The Art of Modelling Computational Systems: A Journey from Logic and Concurrency to Security and Privacy: Essays Dedicated to Catuscia Palamidessi on » książka
Concurrency.- Variations of the Itai-Rodeh Algorithm for Computing Anonymous Ring Size.- Axiomatizing Team Equivalence for Finite-State Machines.- Asynchronous pi-calculus at work: the call-by-need strategy.- Deadlock Analysis of Wait-Notify Coordination.- Enhancing reaction systems: a process algebraic approach.- Checking the Expressivity of Firewall Languages.- Polymorphic Session Processes as Morphisms.- Guess Who's Coming: Runtime Inclusion of Participants in Choreographies.- A Complete Axiomatizion of Branching Bisimulation for a Simple Process Language with Probabilistic Choice.- Walking Through the Semantics of Exclusive and Event-Based Gateways in BPMN Choreographies.- Stronger Validity Criteria for Encoding Synchrony.- Confluence of the Chinese Monoid.- Logic and Constraint Programming.- A coalgebraic approach to unification semantics of logic programming.- Polyadic Soft Constraints.- Security and Privacy.- Core-concavity, Gain Functions and Axioms for Information Leakage.- Formalisation of Probabilistic Testing Semantics in Coq.- Fully Syntactic Uniform Continuity Formats for Bisimulation Metrics.- Fooling the Parallel Or Tester with Probability 8/27.- Categorical information flow.- Statistical Epistemic Logic.- Approximate model counting, sparse XOR constraints and minimum distance.- Verification and Control of Turn-Based Probabilistic Real-Time Games.- Refinement Metrics for Quantitative Information Flow.- Models and Puzzles.- Toward a Formal Model for Group Polarization in Social Networks.- Make Puzzles Great Again.
This Festschrift was published in honor of Catuscia Palamidessi on the occasion of her 60thbirthday.
It features 6 laudations, which are available in the front matter of the volume, and 25 papers by close collaborators and friends. The papers are organized in topical sections named: concurrency; logic and constraint programming; security and privacy; and models and puzzles.
These contributions are a tribute to Catuscia Palamidessi’s intellectual depth, vision, passion for science, and tenacity in solving technical problems. They also reflect the breadth and impact of her work. Her scientific interests include, in chronological order, principles of programming languages, concurrency theory, security, and privacy.