Acknowledgments Introduction PART I: PROLOGUE, AND NEIGHBORHOOD-BASED METHODS Chapter 1: Regression Models Chapter 2: Classification Models Chapter 3: Bias, Variance, Overfitting, and Cross-Validation Chapter 4: Dealing with Large Numbers of Features PART II: TREE-BASED METHODS Chapter 5: A Step Beyond k-NN: Decision Trees Chapter 6: Tweaking the Trees Chapter 7: Finding a Good Set of Hyperparameters PART III: METHODS BASED ON LINEAR RELATIONSHIPS Chapter 8: Parametric Methods Chapter 9: Cutting Things Down to Size: Regularization PART IV: METHODS BASED ON SEPARATING LINES AND PLANES Chapter 10: A Boundary Approach: Support Vector Machines Chapter 11: Linear Models on Steroids: Neural Networks PART V: APPLICATIONS Chapter 12: Image Classification Chapter 13: Handling Time Series and Text Data Appendix A: List of Acronyms and Symbols Appendix B: Statistics and ML Terminology Correspondence Appendix C: Matrices, Data Frames, and Factor Conversions Appendix D: Pitfall: Beware of p-Hacking !
Norman Matloff is an award-winning professor at the University of California, Davis. Matloff has a PhD in mathematics from UCLA and is the author of The Art of Debugging with GDB, DDD, and Eclipse and The Art of R Programming (both from No Starch Press).