one: Theory; 1: An Integrated Review of Reminiscence; 2: The Processes of Adaptive Reminiscence; 3: Reminiscing as a Process of Social Construction; 4: A Conceptual Model of Socialization and Agentic Trait Factors That Mediate the Development of Reminiscence Styles and Their Health Outcomes; 5: The Individual's Life History as a Formative Experience to Aging; two: Research; 6: Reminiscence and the Oldest Old; 7: Adult Age Differences in Reminiscence Functions; 8: A Qualitative Look at Reminiscing: Using the Autobiographical Memory Coding Tool; 9: An Exploratory Analysis of the Content and Structure of the Life Review; 10: Group Reminiscence: Evaluating Short- and Long-Term Effects; three: Methods; 11: Themes and Props: Adjuncts for Reminiscence Therapy Groups; 12: Method and Uses of the Guided Autobiography; 13: The Linchpins of a Successful Life Review: Structure, Evaluation, and Individuality; 14: Finding Common Ground and Mutual Social Support Through Reminiscing and Telling One's Story; 15: Using Reminiscence Interviews for Stress Management in the Medical Setting; four: Applications; 16: Reminiscence Interventions for the Treatment of Depression in Older Adults; 17: Evaluating the Impact of Reminiscence on Older People with Dementia; 18: Reminiscence in Psychotherapy with the Elderly: Telling and Retelling Their Stories; 19: Differential Effects of Oral and Written Reminiscence in the Elderly; 20: Finding Meaning in Memories: The American Association of Retired Persons' Reminiscence Program; 21: Memory Lane Milestones: Progress in Reminiscence Definition and Classification