«With education as a point of national focus, the attention of colleges and universities will be directed inward as these institutions ask themselves, 'How can we do better'? The answer can be found among the insights on these pages.» (M. A. Massengale, University of Nebraska) «[This book] offers prudent advice on shaping and building a career in higher education. I wish it had been available twenty-five years ago.» (Gene Budig, University of Kansas) «From the many comments, criticisms, ideas, and musings offered by some of our premier faculty at today's institutions, we learn that teaching is important and that it is much more of an art than it is a perfunctory set of skills that sum up to a job.» (Jane Margaret O'Brien, Hollins College) «Many useful topics are covered, ranging from how to get your first job to preparation for retirement, with intermediate discussions of teaching, publishing (and not perishing), service on committees and associations, promotion and tenure, dealing with students and colleagues, ensuring benefits, legal rights and responsibilities, and how to leave a job gracefully.» (Jasper D. Memory, University of North Carolina)
The Editors: Karl D. Hostetler, R. McLaran Sawyer, and Keith W. Prichard (emeritus) are professors at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Their academic specialties are, respectively, philosophy, history, and sociology as applied to professional education. They have earned degrees from a number of institutions, including Columbia University, the University of Missouri, Harvard University, Dartmouth College, the University of Illinois, Indiana University, Northwestern University, and Oxford University. In addition to numerous journal articles, they have written several books, including The Many Faces of Teaching, Excellence in University Teaching: New Essays, and Handbook of College Teaching: Theory and Applications.