1. Why the Dutch? The Historical Context of New Netherland
Charles Gehring
2. Between Trade and Tradition: Household Ceramic Assemblages from Amsterdam in the Age of Early Modern Globalization
Marijn Stolk
Section II. The North River
3. Finding New Netherland in New Jersey: Retrospect and Prospect
Ian Burrow
4. Quamhemesicos (Van Schaick) Island: Archeological and Historical Evidence of European-Mahican Interactions at the Twilight of Dutch Colonialism in New York
Adam Luscier and Matthew Kirk
5. A Mid-Seventeenth Century Drinking House in New Netherland
Michael T. Lucas and Kristina S. Traudt
6. A Synthesis of Dutch Faunal Remains Recovered from Seventeenth Century Sites in the Albany Region
Marie-Lorraine Pipes
7. Woman the Trader: Native Women in New Netherland
Anne-Marie Cantwell and Diana diZerega Wall
Section III. The South River
8. Tamecongh/Aresapa to New Castle
Lu Ann De Cunzo
9. Resetting the Starting Point: Archaeological Investigations of Fort Casimir in New Castle
Wade P. Catts and Craig Lukezic
10. Wolf Traps in Seventeenth Century Delaware
William B. Liebeknecht
11. Fort Nya Göteborg (New Gothenburg) and the Printzhof (36DE3): The First Center of Swedish Government in Pennsylvania
Marshall Joseph Becker
Section IV. Artifact Studies
12. By Any Other Name: Kookpotten or Grapen? Little Pots, Big Stories
Meta F. Janowitz and Richard G. Schaefer
13. Marbles in Dutch Colonial New Netherland
Paul R. Huey
14. Thank You for Smoking: The Archaeological Legacy of Eduard Byrd's Tobacco Pipes in New Netherland and Beyond