Using algebra for concurrency: Some approaches.- Some aspects of net theory.- From state machines to temporal logic: Specification methods for protocol standards.- A practical approach to the analysis of concurrent systems.- The problem set.- Specifying problem one using the ‘failure’ sets model for CSP and deriving CSP processes which meet this specification.- Two-way channel with disconnect.- Workshop on analysis of concurrent systems attempt at problem 3: The firing squad.- Parallel combinator reduction machine.- Workshop on analysis of concurrent systems attempt at problem 8: Mixing synchronous and asynchronous input.- Workshop on analysis of concurrent systems attempt at problem 10: The matrix switch.- On the specification of the firing squad problem.- Towards the hierarchical, temporal logic, specification of concurrent systems.- Two way channel with disconnect.- An example of specification and verification in CESAR.- Trace theory and the specification of concurrent systems.- Syntax and informal semantics of DyNe, a parallel language.- Examples of a real-time temporal logic specification.- Problems from the workshop on the analysis of concurrent systems.- A simple railway system.- Description and analysis using CIRCAL.- Firing squad.- Specification of a simplified Network Service in Z (Problem 2).- Specification of a simplified Network Service in CSP (Problem 2).- A solution to problem 7 — parallel combinator reduction machine —.- A temporal analysis of some concurrent systems.- Solutions to problem no. 2.- A CSP solution to the "trains" problem.- The train set problem.- Conclusions.