The Alternative Augustan Age, has the desire to explore the 'underside' of this crucial period, and is appropriately dedicated to the memory of Powell...this long period of history has subsequently been treated in either a homogenized or a linear way, which not only flattens out nuance, but promotes teleological interpretations. This volume instead shifts the spotlight onto other actors, not just by giving them their moment in the sun, but by not defining their importance in relation to Augustus. This allows us to see a 'a series of alternatives- alternative spaces, alternative worldviews, and alternative narratives'.
Josiah Osgood is Chair and Professor of Classics at Georgetown University (Washington DC). He has published several books on Roman history including Caesar's Legacy: Civil War and the Emergence of the Roman Empire (Cambridge University Press) and Turia: A Roman Woman's Civil War (Oxford University Press).
Kit Morrell is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Amsterdam and an Honorary Associate of the Department of Classics and Ancient History at the University of Sydney. Her previous publications include Pompey, Cato, and the Governance of the Roman Empire (Oxford University Press).
Associate Professor Kathryn Welch teaches Roman history at the University of Sydney (Sydney NSW Australia). Her most recent publications include Magnus Pius: Sextus Pompeius and the transformation of the Roman Republic (Classical Press of Wales) and (as editor) Appian's Roman History: empire and civil war (CPW). With Anton Powell, she edited Julius Caesar as Artful
Reporter (CPW).