ISBN-13: 9781449590819 / Angielski / Miękka / 2009 / 266 str.
ISBN-13: 9781449590819 / Angielski / Miękka / 2009 / 266 str.
The 5 Factors of Green Wealth are FRIENDS, FUND$, FOOD, FUEL & FUN. An optional Membership is available for $5 per month that always belongs to the Member who can cancel at any time and get a FULL REFUND of ALL fees paid no matter how long the membership (minus $5). People anywhere can find or start a network of FRIENDS based on a Factor of interest, passion or need. LEAD-ERs are developed for each network. Projects or Enterprises are petitioned among Members. Petitioned projects & enterprises are voted on (75% super majority required to win). Winning projects and enterprises are FUNDED from the networks and from co-ventures and Micro-Loans. Membership is not necessary to learn from the book which is well-researched and has many innovative ideas, practices and applications for individuals, groups, communities and whole countries The 5 Factors of Green Wealth are blueprints for personal and social change according to people's desires and levels of commitment.