ISBN-13: 9780996750806 / Angielski / Miękka / 2015 / 174 str.
ISBN-13: 9780996750806 / Angielski / Miękka / 2015 / 174 str.
From 1999-2004, Dr. Ilana Newman, had a monthly column in Twist magazine, where she answered sex and body questions that teen girls did not feel comfortable asking their friends, parents, or doctors. Over the years, Dr. Newman has met several regular readers of the column who told her how helpful and reassuring it was to read the questions and answers of other girls with similar concerns. Some even told her that if it wasn't for Dr. Newman's advice, they might have done things that would have put their health and safety at risk. Recently, a former reader of Dr. Newman's column (who is now the mother of a young teenage girl) expressed disappointment that there currently is not a similar source of this information for her daughter and her daughter's friends. This motivated Dr. Newman to dust off her old issues of Twist magazine and make this important advice widely available once again. Other than some minor revisions and updates, the questions and answers in this book are the same as appeared in the column and are the same advice Dr. Newman would give to a teen girl today. This book contains all three of the previously released Teen Doc Tells All ebooks (Body Changes, Period Problems, and Sex Stuff).