Chapter 1: Content of Radionuclides in Soils of the Voronezh Region.- Chapter 2: Shading System Design and Solar Gains Control for Buildings Passive Energy-Efficiency Improvement.- Chapter 3: Features of Determining the Entrepreneur’ Profit in the Agricultural Land Cadastral Valuation under Buildings and Structures Forecasting of Thermal Regime in an Oil Mine.- Chapter 4: Influence of Forced Cooling Criteria on the Pressure Distribution inside the Curved Ventilation Ducts of the Brake Disc.- Chapter 5: Modeling the Clustering of Dispersed Systems Using Dynamic Models.- Chapter 6: Substantiation of the Method for Calculating Soil Deformation Modulus.- Chapter 7: Neural Network Model for Quality Indicators Assessment: Case of Paper Manufacturing Industry Design of "Green" Roofs of Extensive Type in Various Climatic Zones of Russia.- Chapter 8: Results of Measuring the Thermal Concrete Properties by the Impulse Method.
The book consists of original research papers in the field of Technological Advancements in Construction. It covers such topics as non-destructive testing, structural health monitoring, innovative composite materials, strengthening and rehabilitation of buildings and structures, seismic resilience of structures, thermal protection of buildings, construction and operation of buildings and structures in extreme climatic conditions, structural dynamics and vibration control, and green construction. The book contains latest information on structural mechanics of composite materials and structures, theoretical and computational modeling of new materials and structures, experimental and numerical analysis in building rehabilitation and strengthening, analytical, numerical and experimental methodologies for the analysis of multilayered structures, and advanced methods for seismic performance evaluation of building structures. The book includes original research and application papers of high academic level, where significant scientific novelty is clearly demonstrated. The book presents a valuable tool for researchers and construction professionals.