Overview. Documentation Strategies. Developing a Style Guide. Meetings. Systems Engineering. Concurrent Engineering. Disaster Planning and Recovery. Standards and Reference Data. Document Templates. Index.
Jerry C. Whitaker is the vice president of standards development at the Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC). He has been involved in various aspects of the electronics industry for more than 30 years, with specialization in communications. His CRC Press books include:
Robert K. Mancini is president of Mancini Enterprises, LLC, a business consulting, estate planning, and educational services corporation based in California. He has been involved in programming, product management, technical writing, sales/product training, and marketing in the software and aerospace industries for more than 30 years. His authored projects include:
Image Focus manuals, marketing, and training materials, NewEra Software
DSSI product marketing materials, Allen Systems Group
PRO/JCL manuals, marketing, and training materials, Diversified Software
DOCU/TEXT manuals, marketing, and training materials, Diversified Software
JOB/SCAN manuals, marketing, and training materials, Diversified Software
INFO/X manuals, marketing, and training materials, Diversified Software