Bibliografia Glosariusz/słownik Wydanie ilustrowane
Introduction: Remote Teaching and the New Normal 1Doug Lemov and Erica Woolway1 Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning 15Hannah Solomon and Beth Verrilli2 Dissolve the Screen 36Jen Rugani and Kevin Grijalva3 Culture of Attention and Engagement 57Colleen Driggs and Jaime Brillante4 Pause Points 81Hilary Lewis and Brittany Hargrove5 Accountability Loops and Checking for Understanding 99Emily Badillo, Jen Rugani, and Hannah Solomon6 Procedures and Routines 123Darryl Williams and Dan Cotton7 Classroom Tech 142Rob Richard and John CostelloCoda: Planning for the Future 163Erica Woolway, Emily Badillo, and Doug LemovGlossary of Teach Like a Champion (TLAC) Techniques 175Notes 178Appendix: A Lesson Template and the Concept of the Semisynchronous Task 179
DOUG LEMOV is the author of Teach Like a Champion (now in it's 2.0 version). His and his team's work has transformed classrooms by defining tangible teaching techniques educators can use and adapt.The Teach Like a Champion Team is made up of educators who study teachers and their work. You can meet them all at and follow their work on