O-Ton: »Ist 'TanGib' Fantasie oder Wirklichkeit?« - Dieter Haller im Interview bei Quantara.de am 18.10.2021. Besprochen in: https://babylon-metropolis.com/kosmopolis, 10 (2021), Ursula Daus
Haller, DieterDieter Haller, born in 1962, works as a professor of ethnology at the Faculty of Social Science at the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB). The cultural anthropologist did his doctorate at the University of Heidelberg and was a founding member of the Zentrum für Mittelmeerstudien at the RUB. He carried out long term anthropological fieldwork in Seville (1985/86), Gibraltar (1995/96), Texas (2003/05) and Tangier (since 2013), as well as on Brexit (2019/20). His research focuses on ethnology, corruption, cosmopolitism, possession, and borderlands.